We always deliver what we promise

Atlas Surkh stands by its commitment to provide excellent services


What We Do

Professional Networking

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We take care of the setup, updates, the system cleans ups, security, and maintenance of your IT infrastructure including your computer, routers, printers, scanners, firewalls. By, choosing Atlas Surkh, you can rest assured that the network and system setup will be accomplished properly

Super Wi-Fi Services

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A blazing fast internet unlimited and limited bandwidth plans per user, currently we are providing services to thousands of happy international individuals under Atlas Surkh service coverage with Super Wi-Fi. Large packages with vast coverage for Camps and industries

Internet for Business

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Atlas Surkh strives to provide 100% uptime and no downtime by utilizing multiple redundant internet links, automated load balancing, and 24-hour monitoring. With our system, we are able to provide sufficient and stable bandwidth, with a dedicated download and upload speeds.

We're Here To Help!

Main Office

Ansari Squer, Share Naw, Kabul, 1003, Afghanistan


M-F: 8am - 10pm
S-S: Closed

Call Us

(+93) 766 069 607

(+93) 791 492 019